Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual
Page 143

i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line Repeating Network Management Guide
target device or the next repeating device in the repeating chain. A repeating device may also be
referred to as a repeating agent.
For a L
device to function as repeating device, application device repeating must be installed
on the device. For more information on installing application device repeating on your L
devices, contact your Echelon sales representative.
Signal Strength
The attenuation of the signal.
Standalone Mode
A network management service in which the SmartServer operates as the exclusive network manager
of the system. In standalone mode, the SmartServer directly transmits network management
commands to the devices attached to the same channel instead of transmitting the commands to the
devices through an LNS Server. For a power line repeating network, the SmartServer must be
operated in standalone mode in order for it to establish and maintain the appropriate repeating chains
on the network.
Target Device
The intended recipient of a network message.