Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual
Page 138
Connecting Devices on a Power Line Repeating Network
3. The Configure – Web Binder Web page opens and the hostnames of the local SmartServer (the
SmartServer attached to the FT-10 or PL-20 non-repeating network) and the SmartServer attached
to the power line repeating network, which are collectively referred to as Webbinder Destinations,
appear in the application frame to the right. If the SmartServer attached to the power line
repeating network cannot be reached, a single child icon called “Target” appears with the IP
address of the SmartServer below the Webbinder Destinations icon.
4. From the Webbinder Destinations tree on the right frame, expand the Webbinder destination icon
of the SmartServer attached to the power line repeating network, expand the network icon, expand
the LON channel, expand the device and functional block containing the desired target data point,
and then click one or more compatible target data points.