Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual
Page 60

Maintaining a Power Line Repeating Network
The cached signal strength and signal margin measurements at the hop
between the selected device and the proxy on the primary frequency.
Signal Strength
Direct Communication Devices: Displays the signal strength at the
device in decibels (dB).
Proxies: The signal strength at the hop in decibels (dB). This value is
the minimum of the signal strengths measured by the device from its
proxy and by the proxy from the device.
Signal Margin
Direct Communication Devices: The amount that the signal is
greater than the noise level at the device in decibels (dB).
Proxies: The amount that the signal is greater than the noise level at
the hop in decibels (dB). This value is the minimum of the signal
margins measured by the device from its proxy and by the proxy from
the device.
The cached signal strength and signal margin measurements at the hop
between the selected device and the proxy on the secondary frequency.
Signal Strength
Direct Communication Devices: Displays the signal strength at the
device in decibels (dB).
Proxies: The signal strength at the hop in decibels (dB). This value is
the minimum of the signal strengths measured by the device from its
proxy and by the proxy from the device.
Signal Margin
Direct Communication Devices: The amount that the signal is
greater than the noise level at the device in decibels (dB).
Proxies: The amount that the signal is greater than the noise level at
the hop in decibels (dB). This value is the minimum of the signal
margins measured by the device from its proxy and by the proxy from
the device.
Failure History
Provides a historical list of the 45-minutes intervals since the
SmartServer was rebooted in which a device failure (if any) was
For example, if failures are recorded for the device on Monday at
14:30, Tuesday at 15:00, Wednesday at 16:00, and Saturday at 16:15,
this property would display the following text:
Failure 14:15-15:00
Failure 15:45-16:30
The device failure history is cleared when a device has no failures
during a 7-day period.
Last Time Reached
Displays the time at which the device last responded to a network
Note: The number of proxies displayed in this dialog may differ than the number shown in the
Power Line Repeating Analysis Web page as the SmartServer updates cached data. To view
an updated list of available proxies in this dialog, close this dialog, click Refresh in the
Power Line Repeating Analysis Web page, right-click the device, and then select Show
Available Proxies in the shortcut menu.
d. You can click Refresh to get the latest cached signal strength and signal margin
measurements. Note that changes in attenuation may not be immediately reflected in the
signal strength and signal margin measurements.
e. Click Close to return to the Power Line Repeating Analysis Web page.