Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual

Page 55

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i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line Repeating Network Management Guide


Last Time Reached

The time at which the device last responded to a network message.

Frequency in use

The frequency carrier of the signal at the hop (Primary or Secondary).
For more information on the use of these frequency carriers on a




power line channel, see the L




PLT-22 Power Line

Transceiver User’s Guide (110kHz - 140kHz Operation).

Signal Strength

Direct Communication Devices: The signal strength measured at the
device in decibels (dB).

Proxies and Target Devices: The signal strength at the hop in decibels
(dB). This value is the minimum of the signal strengths measured by the
device from its proxy and by the proxy from the device.

Signal Margin

Direct Communication Devices: The amount that the signal is greater
than the noise level at the device in decibels (dB).

Proxies and Target Devices: The amount that the signal is greater than
the noise level at the hop in decibels (dB). This value is the minimum of
the signal margins measured by the device from its proxy and by the proxy
from the device.

Available Proxies

The approximate number of repeating devices that can directly
communicate with the device, including the current proxy. The signal
strength at the repeating device and the number of hops required to reach
it determine whether a repeating device can serve as a proxy for a given

Failure History

Lists the 45-minute intervals within the current 24-hour period in which a
device failure (if any) was reported.

Note: The data displayed in the Web page are cached values (not real-time measurements). You
can click Refresh to get the latest cached values. In addition, changes in attenuation may not be
immediately reflected in the signal strength and signal margin measurements. This is because the
SmartServer initially obtains these values when it commissions a device, and it updates these
values when testing the proxy-target connection. However, it may take the SmartServer some
time before re-testing a proxy-target connection, and if updated values obtained are significantly
different than before, the SmartServer may have to re-test the connection multiple times. The
initial values are finally incremented or decremented based on the updated values when the
updated values become stable.

Repeating devices marked offline (red) in the tree view may not be marked as such in the Power
Line Repeating Analysis
Web page. Furthermore, there may a significant delay for a device in
this Web page to show the offline state if you have not configured the Use Offline Delay property