ADLINK PCI-8102 User Manual
Page 135

Function Library
@ Syntax
C/C++(Windows 2000/XP/7)
I16 _8102_initial(U16 *CardID_InBit, I16
I16 _8102_close(void);
I16 _8102_get_version(I16 card_id, I16
*firmware_ver, I32 *driver_ver, I32
I16 _8102_set_user_code(I16 card_id, I16 Length,
U16 *sec_code );
I16 _8102_get_user_code(I16 card_id, I16 Length,
U16 *sec_code );
I16 _8102_config_from_file();
Visual Basic 6(Windows 2000/XP/7)
B_8102_initial(CardID_InBit As Integer, ByVal
Manual_ID As Integer) As Integer
B_8102_close() As Integer
B_8102_get_version(ByVal card_id As Integer,
firmware_ver As Integer, driver_ver As Long,
dll_ver As Long) As Integer
B_8102_set_user_code(ByVal card_id As Integer,
ByVal Length As Integer, sec_code As
Integer) As Integer
B_8102_get_user_code(ByVal card_id As Integer,
ByVal Length As Integer, sec_code As
Integer) As Integer
B_8102_config_from_file() As Integer
@ Argument
CardID_InBit: Use Hex number to show ID occupation status in
the controller. For example, if user has two boards and one is set
to 1(DIP swtich) and the other one is set to 3(DIP switch), you will
read back the value as 0x000A because the bit 1 and bit 3 are 1
(Card ID exists) and other bits are OFF.
Manual_ID: Enable the on-board dip switch (SW1) to decide the
Card ID
Value meaning:
The CardID could be decided by :
0: the sequence of PCI slot.