ADLINK PCI-8102 User Manual
Page 121

Mode”. It is available for “Linear Interpolation Mode” and
“Circular Interpolation Mode”.
8. Set Center: Set the position of center for “Circular Inter-
polation Mode”. It is only effective when “Circular Inter-
polation Mode” is selected.
9. Jog Command: Press one directional button to move.
10.Velocity: The absolute value of velocity in units of PPS.
The related function is _8102_get_current_speed().
11.Interpolation Command:
Command: displays the value of the command counter.
The related function is _8102_get_command().
12.Current Position:
Feedback: displays the value of the feedback position
counter. The related function is _8102_get_position().
13.Home Mode: Home return motion. Clicking this button
will invoke the home move configuration window. The
related function is _8102_set_home_config().There are
two home return buttons at the left-down corner of this
window. It is useful when user need to return to the ori-
Linear Interpolation: After setting motion parameters correctly
in “Motion Parameters Setting Frame”, you can enter the desti-
nation in this frame. Then click Run button to start linear inter-
polation motion.