25  priority, 26 fire panel slave input, 27 area follower – DMP Electronics DMP Command Processor Panel XR500 User Manual

Page 68: 28 zone real-time status, 1 door number, 29  zone audit days, 30 report with account number for area, 25 priority, Fire panel slave input, Area follower

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XR500 Series Canadian Programming Guide

Digital Monitoring Products



FOLLOW - The output is turned on and remains on while the zone is in an off

normal, or bad condition. When the zone restores, the output is turned off.

Note: For Day Zone types, when an output is turned on, a user code with silence
authority can turn the output off.

After you make the three selections in the sections above, the display prompts you

for the same three selections for Disarmed Short, Armed Open, and Armed Short

conditions. If the zone is a 24-hour type, only the Armed Open and Armed Short

conditions display. When you have programmed all of the zone conditions, the

Swinger Bypass selection then dis plays.



Swinger Bypass

Selecting YES allows the zone to be swinger bypassed by the panel according to the

specifications pro grammed in Swinger Bypass Trips and Reset Swinger Bypass. The

Bypass condition displays in the keypad Status List. Selecting NO disables swinger

bypassing for this zone.
How it works
If within one hour, a zone trips the total number of times as specified in Swinger

Bypass Trips, the panel bypasses it until the following conditions occur; the area

in which the zone is assigned is disarmed, the zone is manually reset through the

Bypass Zones? keypad User Menu function, the zone remains normal for one hour and

the Reset Swinger Bypass is YES.
If the zone trips fewer than the specified times within one hour, the bypass trip

counter returns to 0 (zero) and the process must be repeated.
A report of the swinger bypass is sent to the receiver if Bypass Reports is YES.



Prewarn Keypad Addresses

At the entry delay start, all keypad addresses selected here dis play ENTER CODE:-.

If you want the prewarn to sound at all 16 addresses, leave the default setting.
To delete an address, press the matching number on the keypad. To disable

prewarning at all keypads, press a top row Select key to clear the addresses shown.

Press the COM MAND key when the address selection is com plete.
The prewarn tone stops at the keypad where the first user code digit is entered. If

no keys are pressed for five seconds or an invalid user code is entered, the prewarn

tone resumes at that keypad.




Entry Delay

Select the entry timer for this zone. Entry timers 1 to 4 are programmed in System





Zone Retard Delay

When you select YES, the zone operates with the zone retard delay. The retard

func tions only in zone short condi tions.
The zone must re main shorted for the full length of the re tard de lay before the

panel recognizes its condition. If you select NO, the zone operates without a retard




Presignal Keypad Addresses

You can enable any combina tion of keypad addresses to sound a presignal tone

during the time a zone is in retard delay. The presignal tone si lences when the zone

restores or the re tard delay expires.
To en able a presignal ad dress, press any top row Select key followed by the number

of the keypad address. You can enable the presignal for all 16 keypad addresses.

To disable a presignal address press the matching number digit again. Press the

COMMAND key when the address selection is complete. The Presignal prompt is only

displayed when Retard is selected as YES.



Fast Response

Select YES to provide a zone response time of 167ms. Select NO to provide a normal

zone response time of 500ms. Zones 500 to 999 have a fixed response time and do

not display this prompt.