Communication, 1 communication, Account number – DMP Electronics DMP Command Processor Panel XR500 User Manual
Page 17: Transmit delay, Communication path, Communication type
Digital Monitoring Products
XR500 Series Canadian Programming Guide
Configure the communication options for the panel. The information you program
varies with the Communication Type you select.
Account Number
The Account Number is a 1 to 5 digit number used to identify which panel is sending
a message. Enter the account number sent to the SCS-1R Receiver. Messages may
be sent to a central station or via PC Log Reports to a PC. The default is 12345.
NET, CELL, 232 and DD - The range of valid account numbers for a panel is 1 to
65535. For accounts of four digits or less, do not enter leading zeros.
CID - Choose an account number between 1 and 9999.
Transmit Delay
Enter the number of seconds (15 to 45) the panel waits before sending burglary
zones (Night, Day, or Exit) reports to the receiver. Other zone type reports are
sent immediately. Alarm bells and relay outputs are not delayed during this
period. Program Burglary Outputs for pulsed or steady, and set Abort Reports to
YES if Opening and Closing reports are not being sent. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this
function. The default is 30.
If the area where the alarm occurred is disarmed during the Transmit Delay time,
only an Abort Report (S45) message is sent to the receiver. If the area where
the alarm occurred is disarmed after the alarm message is sent to the receiver
but before the Bell Cutoff time expires even if the alarm was silenced, an Alarm
Cancelled (S49) message is sent. Otherwise the alarm is sent at the end of the
delay. The Alarm Cancelled report cannot be disabled.
Note: For Commercial Burglary Installations, the combined Transmit Delay
(Abort Window) and Entry Delay must not exceed one (1) minute.
Communication Path
Up to eight communication paths may be programmed. Each path is designated as
a primary or backup communication route. Path 1 is always Primary but other paths
may be programmed as additional primary or backup.
Each primary path establishes a new path group. A path group is made up of the
primary path and its subsequent backup paths. Typical communication takes place
on the primary path with backup paths being used only when the primary path fails
or when the backup path is programmed to duplicate messages. There is no option
to backup path 8.
Communication Type
Specifies the communication method the panel uses on this path to report system
events to DMP SCS-1R Receivers or non-DMP receivers. Default is DD for Path 1, and
NONE for Path 2-8.
NONE - For local systems. Selecting NONE ends communication programming.
DD - Digital Dialer communications to a DMP SCS-1R Receiver.
NET - Network communication using the panel onboard network connection. The
DMP Network/Output reporting format is transmitted over a data network to the
SCS-1R Receiver.
CID - This option allows the panel to communicate to non-DMP receivers using the
Contact ID format.
CELL - This option allows communication over the GPRS network using digital
cellular technology with the 463G or CellCom Series Digital Cellular Communicator.
232 - This option sends serial data and can be used for radio backup or other
communication options, and uses the on-board serial port.
Select 232 when using a 462N Interface Card or DB-9 backup communications by
directly connecting to the RS-232 port on the panel. If using the on-board RS-232
port, set the XR500 Series Canadian panel J23 jumper to R and briefly reset the
panel using the J16 jumper to activate RS-232 operation. Refer to the XR500 Series
Canadian Installation Guide (LT-0681CAN).
CELL 232