2 i2c example 2: master mode receive, 3 i2c example 3: slave mode receive, C example 2: master mode receive -8 – Maxim Integrated MAXQ Family Users Guide: MAXQ8913 Supplement User Manual

Page 94: C example 3: slave mode receive -8, Maxq family user’s guide: maxq8913 supplement

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MAXQ Family User’s Guide:

MAXQ8913 Supplement


22.2.2 I


C Example 2: Master Mode Receive

; I2C configured as master, receive from slave address 08h:

; Setup for Master Mode Receive
move I2CCN, #047h

; I2CEN = 1, I2CMST = 1, I2CMODE = 1, I2CSTART = 1

call wait_start

; Polling routine to wait for I2CSTART to clear

call wait_busy

; Polling routine to wait for I2CBUSY to clear

move I2CIE.2, #01h

; Enable Receive Ready Interrupt

move I2CBUF, #008h

; Slave address set to 08h

call wait_tx_complete ; Wait for transmit interrupt

call wait_rxbuf

; Wait for receive interrupt

;; Byte received in I2CBUF, clear I2C interrupt flag and wait for next interrupt

22.2.3 I


C Example 3: Slave Mode Receive

; I2C configured as slave with address 1ah
; Setup for Slave Mode Receive
move I2CSLA, #01ah

; I2C Slave Address = 01ah

move I2CCN, #0001h

; I2CEN = 1, I2CMST = 0, I2CMODE = 0, I2CSTART = 0

call wait_start

; Polling routine to wait for I2CSTART to be set,

; indicating a received START

;; Check for address match
move ACC, I2CST

and #0020h

; Check for Address Match flag set

cmp #0020h

jump ne, no_match

; If address match bit not set, not for us, else:

move I2CIE.2, #01h

; Enable Receive Ready Interrupt

call wait_rxbuf

; Wait for a receive interrupt

;; Byte received in I2CBUF, clear I2C interrupt flag and wait for next interrupt

Maxim Integrated