Battery requirements – Dynojet 250i: Pit Installation Guide User Manual
Page 51

Routing Cables
Version 4
In Ground Model 200iP/250iP Motorcycle Dynamometer Installation Guide
The model 200iP/250iP dyno is designed to carry a group 24 deep cycle discharge
series battery for operating the starter, optional power carriage, and optional wheel
clamp. The typical dimensions for this series of batteries are 10 5/8-inches long by 6
3/4-inches wide by 9 1/8-inches tall. The mounting is flexible so a battery that has
dimensions close to this will work satisfactorily. The built in battery cables are
configured for top post batteries. This battery is not included with your dyno. You will
need to provide this battery.
The battery provides the necessary energy to run the starter, optional power carriage,
and optional wheel clamp. The CPI has a built in battery charging circuit to keep the
battery charged. Each time the starter, power carriage, or wheel clamp is used, this
built in charging circuit will recharge the battery. The charging rate is sufficient to
keep up with loading a bike, operating the wheel clamp, and adjusting the power
carriage every five minutes. Recharging from use of the built in dyno starter will take
longer. Do not add any external battery chargers to the car battery.
Note: If you do not install the battery make sure the positive battery cable is
insulated from the chassis as the charging circuit is always providing charging
current whenever the dyno main power breaker is turned on.
The battery charging circuit is active anytime the main power on the dyno is turned
on. If the main breaker is turned off then the battery will not be charged. Frequent
use of the starter will quickly deplete the battery and it may need several hours of the
internal charging to bring the battery back to a full charge.
For more information on installing the battery, refer to page 2-30.
Note: If you do not wish to use the wheel clamp and the power carriage or
operate the built-in starter then it is not necessary to install the battery.
In order to utilize the starter on dynos that do not have the Control Panel, you will
need to provide an on board battery charger. A small trickle charger or battery minder
is sufficient in the charging range of 1A. Verify the battery charger does not overcharge
the battery when left attached.
Note: Dynojet recommends using a ring connector style charger.
• Using the bolts from the battery terminals, secure the ring connectors from the
charger to the battery terminals.
• Secure the charger in a safe location in the dyno.
• Route the power cable out of the dyno. Make sure the cable cannot be
These small chargers should be available from your normal distribution supply chain
or other sources such as NAPA, JC Whitney, or Northern Tools.
There is danger of explosion if the battery is incorrectly replaced. Wear
protective clothing, eye, and face protection when charging or handling
batteries. Refer to Warnings for more information.