Procedure a: bromine (no chlorine), Procedure b: bromine in the presence of chlorine – LaMotte SMART Spectro Spectrophotometer User Manual
Page 92

Use universal sample holder.
1. Press and hold ON button until spectrophotometer turns on.
2. Scroll to and select PROGRAMMED TESTS.
3. Scroll to and select ALL TESTS (or another sequence containing
9 Bromine-LR) from TESTING MENU.
4. Scroll to and select 9 Bromine-LR from menu.
5. Rinse a clean tube (0290) with sample water. Fill to the 10 mL line with
6. Insert tube into chamber, close lid and select SCAN BLANK.
7. Remove tube from Spectro. Pour out all but a suffi cient amount of sample
water to cover a tablet. Add one *DPD #1 Instrument Grade Tablet (6903A).
Crush tablet with tablet crusher (0175), then add sample water until tube is
fi lled to 10 mL line. Cap tube and shake until tablet is dissolved. Solution will
turn pink if bromine is present. Wait 15 seconds. Mix.
8. Insert tube into chamber, close lid and select SCAN SAMPLE.
9. Press
OFF button to turn spectrophotometer off or press the EXIT button to
exit to a previous menu or make another menu selection.
Use universal sample holder.
1. Press
USE button to turn on colorimeter.
2. Scroll to and select ALL TESTS (or another sequence containing
9 Bromine-LR) from TESTING MENU.
3. Scroll to and select 9 Bromine-LR from menu.
4. Rinse a clean tube (0290) with sample water. Fill to the 10 mL line with
5. Insert tube into chamber close lid and select SCAN BLANK.
6. Rinse a second clean tube (0290) with sample water. Fill to the 10 mL line with
sample. Add 5 drops of Glycine Solution (6811). Cap and mix.
7. Remove blank from Spectro. Pour out all of the sample water. To this tube
add just enough of Glycine treated sample (Step 6) to cover a tablet. Add
one *Chlorine DPD#1 Instrument Grade Tablet (6903A). Crush tablet with a
tablet crusher (0175). Add all remaining Glycine-treated sample. Cap tube and
shake until tablet dissolves. Solution will turn pink if bromine is present. Wait 15
seconds. Mix.
SMART Spectro Test Procedures 2.11
Test P