LaMotte SMART Spectro Spectrophotometer User Manual

Page 14

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SMART Spectro Operator’s Manual 2.11

5. Plot results on graph paper or computer using any available plotting

program. If results are as %T versus concentration, semilog graph paper

must be used. Plot the standard solution concentrations on the horizontal,

linear axis, and the %T on the vertical, logarithmic axis. If results are as

absorbance versus standard solution concentration, simple linear graph

paper can be used. Plot the standard solution concentration on the

horizontal axis, and the absorbance on the vertical axis.

6. After plotting the results, draw a line, or curve, of best fi t through the

plotted points. The best fi t may not connect the points. There should be

approximately an equal number of points above the curve as below the

curve. Some reagent systems will produce a straight line, while others

produce a curve. Many computer spreadsheet programs can produce the

curve of best fi t by regression analysis of the standard solution data.

A sample of each type of graph appears below: