Metrohm 751 GPD Titrino User Manual

Page 60

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2.6 Parameters, key

751 GPD Titrino


I(pol) 1 uA

U(pol) 400 mV

electrode test: OFF

low lim. pH -20.00
up lim. pH 20.00

action: none

temperature: OFF

low lim. -170.0 °C
up lim. 500.0 °C
action: none

assign output L10: none

violated limit: any

output L10: pulse

With polarized electrodes, the request of the measuring

input is replaced by one regarding the

polarization current (-127...127 uA),

or the

polarization voltage (-1270...1270 mV, in steps of 10


Electrode test (OFF, ON)

Test for polarized electrodes. Performed on the

switchover from inactive basic status to a

measurement. "OFF" means the test is not performed.

Limit values for the measured value (input range

depends on the measured quantity:



U, Ipol:

0...±2000 mV


0...±200.0 uA)

Action if a limit is exceeded (end, hold, wait, none)

end: Abort

hold: Hold reagent addition until manually restarted.

wait: Hold reagent addition until limits are again

complied with, then continue automatically.

Monitoring of temperature (ON, OFF)

With "on", the following requests:

Limits (-170.0...500.0 °C)

Action if a limit is exceeded (end, hold, wait, none)

end: Abort

hold: Hold reagent addition until manually restarted.

wait: Hold reagent addition until limits are again

complied with, then continue automatically.

Assignment of output I/O lines (meas, temp, all, none)

L10 output sets a signal when values are out of limit

(pin 8).

With an assignment, the following requests:

Assignment of a violated limit (any, upper, lower)

The signal will be set if the assigned limit is violated.

Type of signal to be set when limits are violated. (active,


active: Output line is set to 0 V.

pulse: Pulse > 100 ms.

Important: An active line will be set inactive with an


Same possibilities for lines L11, L12, L13.

Pin assignment on socket "Remote":


Pin 8


Pin 13


Pin 19


Pin 20