Metrohm 751 GPD Titrino User Manual

Page 47

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2.6. Parameters, key

751 GPD Titrino


min.rate 25.0 ul/min

Minimum dosing rate (0.01...9999 uL/min)

This parameter determines the addition rate in the

range of the control point.

Rule of thumb for "min.rate" in uL/min = (expected rate

of the reaction in uL/min)/10.

>titration parameters

start V: OFF

start V 0.0 ml

factor 0

dos.rate max. ml/min

pause 0 s

start time 0 s

start pH OFF

Titration parameters

Type of start volume (OFF, abs., rel.)


start volume switched off


absolute start volume in mL


relative start volume to sample size.

If "abs." is set:

Absolute start volume (0...999.99 mL)

If "rel." is set:

Factor for relative start volume (0...±999 999).

Calculated as: start V in mL = factor * sample size

Dosing rate for start volume

(0.01...150 mL/min, max.)

sets "max.".

The maximum rate depends on the Exchange Unit:

Exchange Unit


5 mL

15 mL/min

10 mL

30 mL/min

20 mL

60 mL/min

50 mL

150 mL/min

Waiting time after start volume (0...999 999 s)

Waiting time, e.g. for equilibration of the electrode after

start or reaction time after dosing of a start volume. The

waiting time can be aborted with .

Start time for data acquisition (0...999 999 s)

Measured values will be acquired only after the start

time has elapsed.

Start measured value for data acquisition (input range

depends on the measured quantity:


0...±20.00, OFF

U, Ipol:

0...±2000 mV, OFF


0...±200.0 uA, OFF)

sets "OFF".

Measured values will be acquired only after start of

measured value has been reached.