5 selection of the mode, key

Page 17

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2.5. Selection of the mode, key

751 GPD Titrino


2.5 Selection of the mode, key

Press key until the desired mode is

displayed and confirm with .

Select the measured quantity pH, U, Ipol, Upol, (T) with


> or <

> and confirm it also with .

The following modes can be selected:

DET: Dynamic Equivalence-point Titration

MET: Monotonic Equivalence-point Titration

SET: Set Endpoint Titration.

KFT: Karl Fisher Titration, the determination of water


STAT: Keeping a measured value constant, i.e. pH-


DOS: Dosing function with volume, time, or rate


DOC: Dosing Controlled by a measured value


CAL: pH Calibration.

MEAS: Measuring.

TIP: Titration Procedure. Linking of various

commands and methods to a titration procedure.

These standard modes are equipped with a set of

standard parameters. They only need few settings in

order to be ready to work.

TIP is an empty "shell". The TIP sequence has to be

defined with , see page 85.

You will find a survey of the modes in the short

Instructions for use, page 12.




mode: DET

measured quantity: pH