Metrohm 751 GPD Titrino User Manual
Page 50

2.6 Parameters, key
751 GPD Titrino
low lim.1 OFF s
up lim.1 OFF s
fix V1 OFF s
fix time 1 OFF V(tot)
see also page 54.
Evaluation of dosing rates within time windows
(0...999 999 s, OFF)
Up to 9 time windows in which a rate should be
calculated. The rates are available for calculations as
For the calculation of a rate, the measuring point list in
the time window must contain at least 4 points. If no
point falls on the window limits, the next outer one is
Interpolation of the volume at a fixed time (0...999 999 s,
Up to 9 fix V. The associated volumes are available for
calculations as C5X.
Interpolation of times at volume ratios at the end V (0.01
... 1.00, OFF)
The volume is entered as a fraction of the final volume,
e.g. 0.25 = 25% of the final volume.
Up to 9 fix times. The associated times are available for
calculations as C6X.
meas.val: OFF
low lim. pH -20.00
up lim. pH 20.00
action: none
Monitoring of limit values
Out of limits are marked in the measuring point list.
Measured values and temperatures are only stored in
the measuring point list if their monitoring is active.
Monitoring of measured values (ON, OFF)
With "on" follow the requests:
Limits for measured values (input range depends on the
measured quantity):
U, Ipol:
0...±2000 mV
0...±200.0 uA)
Action if a limit is exceeded (end, hold, wait, none)
end: Abort.
hold: Hold reagent addition until manually restarted.
wait: Hold reagent addition until limits are again
complied with, then continue automatically.