Metrohm 751 GPD Titrino User Manual

Page 13

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2.4. Configuration, key

751 GPD Titrino


start delay 0 s

result display: bold


program 751.0020

Start delay (0...999 999 s)

Delay time after start of methods. Abort start delay time

with .

Type of result display at the end of the determination

(bold, standard)

bold: The calculated results are displayed in bold


standard: Displays the whole information, e.g. results,

endpoints, messages etc.

Individual identification of devices (up to 8 ASCII


Will be printed in the result report, see page 81.

Display of program version

>RS232 settings COM1

baud rate: 9600

data bit: 8

stop bit: 1

parity: none

handshake: HWs

Settings of RS232 interface

see also page 180. Identical for COM2.

Baud rate (300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,

38400, 57600, 115200)

Data bit (7, 8)

Stop bit (1, 2)

Parity (even, odd, none)

Handshake (HWs, SWline, SWchar, none)

see page 180.

>common variables

C30 0.0

Values of the common variables

Common variables C30...C39 (0..

± 999 999)

The values of all common variables are displayed. For

creating of common variables see page 79.

>prep.dosing elements

power ON prep: OFF

report: OFF

Preparation of titration burets, "prep" and


see also page 103

Warning after power ON (ON, OFF)

If this function is on, a warning appears after switching

on the Titrino, that a preparation should be executed.

Report of prep (ON, OFF)

With ON, a report will be printed automatically after

prep. The report is outputted on the COM which is

given for manual reports.