Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 927

7 Devices
viva 1.1
Behavior at Emergency stop:
All digital outputs that are not of the Type = Alarm signal are set
to the default value when an emergency stop takes place.
A digital output of Type = Alarm signal is set to the non-default
value value when an emergency stop takes place.
Digital outputs assigned to a digital input of the Type = Level
detector or Leak detector do not change their status when an
emergency stop takes place.
active | inactive
Default value
Default values for commands
Parameter 1
The meaning of Parameter 1 depends on the Type set for the digital
For Type = Stirrer: stirring performance in %, pulse duration dependent
on Parameter 2.
Input range
-214,783,647 - 214,783,647
Default value
Parameter 2
The meaning of Parameter 2 depends on the Type set for the digital
For Type = Stirrer:
0: Duration of the switch-on pulse set to 500 ms.
>0: With a stirring performance of 100% (Parameter 1 = 100), pulse
duration 10 ms
Parameter 1 = 100, Parameter 2 = 30: pulse duration switched on
300 ms, switched off 0 ms
Parameter 1 = 75, Parameter 2 = 30: pulse duration switched on
225 ms, switched off 75 ms
Input range
-214,783,647 - 214,783,647
Default value