Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 649
5 Method
viva 1.1
Opens the Stripping dialog window, in which the stripping potential and
the stripping time of a potential step can be entered ((see Chapter, page 639)).
Opens the Stripping dialog window, in which the stripping potential and
the stripping time of a potential step can be edited (see Chapter, page 639).
The selected potential step is deleted.
Cleaning potential
Potential that is applied to the electrodes during the Cleaning time.
Input range
–5.000 - 5.000 V (Increment: 0.001)
Default value
1.625 V
Cleaning time
Waiting time during which the Cleaning potential is applied to the elec-
Input range
0.0 - 50.0 s (Increment: 0.1)
Default value
5.0 s
Measuring interval
Measuring interval for data acquisition during plating and stripping.
1.28 ms | 2.56 ms | 5.12 ms | 10.24 ms | 20.48
ms | 40.96 ms | 81.92 ms
Default value
5.12 ms
Preparation cycles
Number of cycles without current measurement that are run through
before the measuring cycles.
Input range
0 - 200 (Increment: 1)
Default value
Measuring cycles
Number of cycles with current measurement.
Input range
1 - 50
Default value
Sweep duration
Shows the duration of the sweep in s.