Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 694
5.6 Evaluation subwindow
viva 1.1
First-order coefficient
Number of decimal places for the first-order coefficient of the calibration
curve or standard addition curve.
Input range
0 - 6
Default value
Second-order coefficient
Number of decimal places for the second-order coefficient of the calibra-
tion curve or standard addition curve.
Input range
0 - 6
Default value
Fourth-order coefficient
Number of decimal places for the fourth-order coefficient of the calibra-
tion curve or standard addition curve.
Input range
0 - 6
Default value
Coefficient of determination
Number of decimal places for the coefficient of determination.
Input range
0 - 6
Default value
Substance concentration in measuring vessel
Number of decimal places for the concentration of the substance in the
measuring vessel. The unit corresponds to the substance concentration of
the added standard solution (g/L; mol/L or L/L)
Input range
0 - 6
Default value
# | m | µ | n | p
Default value
RSD of the substance concentration in measuring vessel
Number of decimal places for the standard deviation of the substance
concentration in the measuring vessel (%).
Input range
0 - 6
Default value
Amount of substance
Number of decimal places for the mass, amount of substance or volume
of a substance in the measuring vessel. The unit corresponds to the unit of