Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual

Page 1075

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viva 1.1



CAL LOOP Opt ................. 481
CAL MEAS Opt ................. 484
CAL Spec .......................... 477
CALL ................................ 410
CALL COND ...................... 418
CALL ELECTROLYTE .......... 423
CALL INTERCEPT ............... 416
CALL VA ........................... 413
CALL VMS ........................ 415
CONTROL ......................... 566
CP .................................... 639
CPVS ................................ 622
CTRL ................................. 492
CVS .................................. 606
DIGITAL IN ....................... 557
DIGITAL OUT .................... 552
EMPTY ............................. 470
ERROR .............................. 590
EXIT ................................. 589
HEATER ............................ 444
LIFT .................................. 433
LOOP ............................... 597
LQH ................................. 461
MEAS Opt ........................ 517
MEAS Opt Conc ............... 530
MEAS Ref ......................... 510
MEAS Spec ....................... 513
MEAS T ............................ 545
MEAS TMF ....................... 539
MOVE .............................. 426
PORT ................................ 574
PREP ................................. 467
PUMP ............................... 436
RACK ............................... 442
RECEIVE ............................ 501
REQUEST .......................... 592
RLS DEV ........................... 446
RLS DOS ........................... 473
SCAN ............................... 495
SEND ................................ 498
SEQUENCE ....................... 604
SERIES END ....................... 588
SERIES START .................... 587
SET TOTAL VOLUME ......... 475
STEPPING MOTOR ............ 569
STIR .................................. 439
SWING ............................. 430
Term .............................. 1050
TRACK .............................. 585
TRANSFER ........................ 505
VA TRACK ........................ 586
WAIT ................................ 602

Common logarithm .................. 58

Common variable

Add new common variable
......................................... 815
Column display ................. 815
Delete .............................. 815
Editing properties ............. 816
Export .............................. 752
General ............................ 813
History ............................. 819
History limit values ............ 821
Import .............................. 755
Information ...................... 362
Intervention limits ............. 821
Monitoring ....................... 818
Parameters ....................... 816
Print list ............................ 816
Subwindow ...................... 813
Table ................................ 813
Use in the formula editor .... 42
Warning limits .................. 821

Common Variable

Assign .............................. 689
Result ............................... 688
Select ............................... 689

Communication .......................... 5
Communication command ..... 492

Concentration in the measuring
vessel ............................... 722
Concentration in the sample
......................................... 713


2-point controller ............. 924
089 Photometer ............... 890
814 USB Sample Processor
......................................... 872
815 USB Sample Processor
......................................... 872
846 Dosing Interface ........ 846
858 Professional Sample Pro-
cessor ............................... 850
894 Professional CVS ........ 839
919 IC Autosampler plus . . 861
Avantes Spectrometer ...... 882
Backup automatically ........ 757
Backup manually .............. 758
Configuration database .... 726
Definition ......................... 726
Devices ............................. 768
Direct controller ................ 923
Export .............................. 752
Functions ......................... 730
General ............................ 726
Import .............................. 755

Information on determination
......................................... 362
IO controller ..................... 906
Menu bar ......................... 727
Options ............................ 765
PID controller ................... 930
PWM controller ................ 935
Restore ............................. 759
RS-232 device ................... 896
Stepping Motor Controller 941
Subwindow ...................... 729
Toolbar ............................ 729
User interface ............. 17, 726
View .................. 86, 202, 731

Configuration data ................. 752

Backup ................... 998, 1020
Export ............................ 1018
Import ............................ 1019
Restore ................... 999, 1021

Configuration database .............. 4
Configuration report

Print ................................. 747

Conformity ................................. 5

RS-232 device ................... 901


Barcode reader ................. 906

Cont key ................ 119, 130, 131
Contamination potential ....... 1050
CONTROL ............................... 566

Command variables .......... 566
Overview .......................... 566
Properties ......................... 567

Control chart .......................... 328

Comment ......................... 261
Graphics parameters ......... 258
Limit values ...................... 259
Manage templates ............ 257
Print ................................. 329
Properties ......................... 258
Show ............................... 328
Statistics ........................... 260

Control chart template

Export .............................. 752
Import .............................. 755

Controller type ....................... 922

2-point controller ............. 924
Direct controller ................ 923
PID controller ................... 926
PWM controller ................ 934


Determination series ......... 129
Display ............. 102, 126, 148
Single determination ........ 118