3 track, Track – Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual

Page 597

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5 Method

viva 1.1




Cancel determination | Cancel determination
and series

Default value

Cancel determination

Cancel determination
If this option is selected, then the ongoing determination will be can-
celed (with no entry in the database). The next determination of the
series will then be started. If an exit track is present, it will be executed.
If an error track is present, it will not be executed.
Cancel determination and series
If this option is selected, then the ongoing determination will be can-
celed (with no entry in the database). The next determination of the
series will not be started. If an exit track is present, it will be executed.
If an error track is present, it will not be executed.


Dialog window: Method

TRACK Properties... TRACK - 'Command name'

Start command for normal track.

The command has the following appearance:

Command name

Name of the command.


1 - 25 characters

Default value

Track %1

Live display

on | off (Default value: on)

If this check box is activated, then the track will be displayed in the live

Return immediately

on | off (Default value: off)

If this check box is activated, then the program does not wait for this track
to be completed, but rather this track responds immediately to the track
with the call command. From now on, both tracks will be running simulta-