2 measuring commands curve display, 3 curves - measuring point list – Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 310
4.5 Determination overview
viva 1.1
Measuring commands curve display
In the curve window a tab with the corresponding command name and
the run index (e.g. Chloride.1) is provided for each run of a measuring
command; their sequence is determined by the method.
Curve display for measuring commands
The following elements are displayed in the upper part of the curve win-
Axes with labeling (measured quantity and unit)
Measurement curves
Curves can be zoomed within the curve display as often as required by
spanning a square with the left mouse button pressed down. Zooming
can be undone by double-clicking or using the context-sensitive Show all
menu command.
When a new determination is selected the complete curve is always
shown, i.e., the zoom range is not retained when the determination is
Context-sensitive menu items
Show all
Resets the zoom and shows curves completely.
Measuring point
Opens the Measuring point list - 'Command name.#' dialog window (see
Chapter, page 298).
Properties Curves
Opens the Properties - Reprocess curves dialog window to define the prop-
erties of the curve display (see Chapter, page 185).
Copy graphics
Copies curves to the clipboard.
Curves - Measuring point list
Subwindow: Database
▶ Curves #
The context-sensitive Measuring point list... menu item in the curve
window opens the Measuring point list - 'Command name.#' dialog
window for displaying the measuring point list of the selected curve.
The display of the measuring points in the table can be defined per win-
dow and per command type (see Chapter, page 192).