Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual

Page 645

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5 Method

viva 1.1



Device type

Display or selection of the instrument type. If an instrument is selected in
the Device name field, the Device type field can no longer be edited
and the instrument type belonging to the instrument is displayed.

If the not defined option is selected in the Device name field, all instru-
ment types or groups with which the command can be executed can be
selected, regardless of the instruments present in the device table.


894 Professional CVS

Default value

894 Professional CVS


Working electrode

Selection of an electrode of the Working electrode type from the elec-
trodes of the RDE type present in the electrode table.


RDE | 'Electrode name'

Default value


Standard electrode of the RDE type, which cannot be deleted.
'Electrode name'
Electrode of the RDE type from the electrode table.

Sensor type

Shows the type of working electrode (RDE).

Reference electrode

Selection of an electrode of the Reference electrode type from the elec-
trodes available in the electrode table.


Reference electrode | 'Electrode name'

Default value

Reference electrode

Reference electrode
Standard electrode of the Reference electrode type, which cannot
be deleted.
'Electrode name'
Electrode of the Reference electrode type from the electrode table.

Auxiliary electrode

Selection of an electrode of the Auxiliary electrode type from the elec-
trodes available in the electrode table.


Auxiliary electrode | 'Electrode name'

Default value

Auxiliary electrode