Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 1074

viva 1.1
History limit values ............ 809
Intervention limits ............. 809
Number of standards ........ 482
Overview .......................... 666
Term .............................. 1050
Warning limits .................. 809
Calibration command ............. 476
Calibration curve .................... 327
Coefficient CALC 0 ........... 707
Coefficient CALC 1 ........... 710
Coefficient CALC 2 ........... 710
Coefficient CALC 4 ........... 711
Coefficient of determination
......................................... 712
Display on workplace ........ 171
DT ............................ 667, 671
LAT .......................... 667, 670
MLAT ....................... 667, 670
RC .................................... 675
Result calculation .............. 696
Show ............................... 327
Calibration data .............. 327, 811
Delete .............................. 812
General ............................ 811
Print calibration data ........ 812
Show ............................... 327
Subwindow ...................... 811
Calibration factor .................... 721
Absolute standard deviation
......................................... 721
Calculation ....................... 720
Relative standard deviation
......................................... 722
Term .............................. 1049
Calibration method
DT .................................... 666
For brightener determination
......................................... 666
For leveler determination . . 666
For suppressor determination
......................................... 666
LAT .................................. 666
MLAT ............................... 666
RC .................................... 666
Calibration wavelength ........... 480
Exchange interval ............. 841
Monitor ............................ 841
Call 410, 412, 415, 416, 418, 423
CALL ...................................... 410
Call ................................... 412
Command variables .......... 410
Overview .......................... 410
Properties ......................... 411
Call commands ....................... 410
CALL COND ............................ 418
Command variables .......... 418
Overview .......................... 418
Properties ......................... 419
CALL ELECTROLYTE ................ 423
Command variables .......... 423
Overview .......................... 423
Properties ......................... 424
CALL INTERCEPT ..................... 416
Command variables .......... 416
Overview .......................... 416
Properties ......................... 418
CALL VA ................................. 413
Command variables .......... 413
Overview .......................... 413
Properties ......................... 414
CALL VMS .............................. 415
Command variables .......... 415
Overview .......................... 415
Properties ......................... 416
Case ......................................... 74
Change layout .......... 87, 203, 732
Chloride potential ................. 1050
Client ..................................... 750
Client/server configuration .......... 4
Coefficient of determination ... 712
Colorimetric sensor ................. 798
Add new colorimetric sensor
......................................... 801
Calibration coefficient ....... 803
Calibration date ................ 803
Calibration interval ........... 803
Calibration method ........... 803
Calibration range .............. 803
Calibration temperature .... 803
Coefficient of determination
......................................... 803
Column display ................. 800
Confidence interval ........... 803
Delete .............................. 801
Edit properties .................. 802
Enter calibration data manually
......................................... 803
Enter name ....................... 802
Export .............................. 752
General ............................ 798
History ............................. 808
Import .............................. 755
Limit values ...................... 807
Monitoring ....................... 807
Print list of colorimetric sensors
......................................... 801
Select ............................... 486
Standard sensors .............. 798
Subwindow ...................... 798
Table ................................ 798
Wavelength ...................... 803
Column display
Colorimetric sensor ........... 800
Common variables ............ 815
Determination overview .... 270
Dosing units ..................... 783
Global variables ................ 824
Sensors ............................. 794
Solutions .......................... 776
Command .............................. 405
Alphabetical overview ....... 407
Automation commands .... 425
Calibration command ....... 476
Call commands ................. 410
Cancel ...................... 156, 500
Combine .......................... 604
Comment ......................... 387
Communication command
......................................... 492
Continue .......................... 500
Copy ................................ 386
Cut ................................... 386
Definition ......................... 405
Delete .............................. 386
Dosing command ............. 448
Edit .................................. 383
Formula entry ................... 386
General ............................ 405
Insert ........................ 383, 386
Interrupt ........................... 500
Measuring commands ...... 510
Move ............................... 385
Process analysis ................ 552
Properties ......................... 386
Representation ................. 405
Representation in the run . 156
Select ............................... 385
Term .............................. 1050
Track command ................ 576
VA measuring commands . 606
Variables ............................ 30
Various commands ........... 592
Voltammetry commands ... 606
Command variable ................... 30
Command variables
ADD AUX ......................... 448
ADD SAMPLE ................... 455
ADD SAMPLE DT .............. 458
ADD STD .......................... 452
ANALOG IN ...................... 563
ANALOG OUT .................. 560