Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 107

3 Workplace
viva 1.1
The following sample data fields can no longer be edited if they were
defined as Fixed value in the method (see Chapter, page
ID1 - ID16
Sample identifications ID1 - ID16. Any text can be entered in this field. The
type and limit value check takes places during the sample table test or
during the run test when a determination is started. For sample identifica-
tions of the date/time type, the entry must be formatted as YYYY-MM-
DD or YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm. If text templates are defined for sample
identification, a selection can be made among them (see Chapter 3.5.1,
page 115).
100 characters
Selection of text templates
Sample type
Selection of sample type.
Sample | Standard | Intercept
Default value
Sample position
Position of the sample on the rack. This number is used to move to the
sample position with the command MOVE. For this, the Sample posi-
tion option must be set for the parameter Move under Target.
Input range
1 - 999 (Increment: 1)
Default value
Sample amount
Numerical value for the sample amount for which the standard result is
calculated (see Glossary, page 1057). Only numbers, decimal point, +, –
and e may be entered in this field. The limit value check does not take
place until the start of the determination.