5 meas opt conc, 1 meas opt conc - overview, Meas opt conc – Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual

Page 542

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5.5 Method run subwindow




viva 1.1

MEAS Opt Conc

MEAS Opt Conc - Overview

Dialog window: Method

MEAS Opt Conc Properties... MEAS Opt Conc -

'Command name'

Command for concentration measurements (direct measurement)
with spectrometer or photometer.

This command can be executed with the following instruments:

Spectrometer: Avantes

Photometer: 089

The command has the following appearance:

The parameters for the MEAS Opt Conc command are set on the follow-
ing tabs:

(see Chapter, page 532)
Parameters for instrument.

Measuring parameters
Parameters for setting the measurement procedure.

Additional measured values
Definition of additional measured values which can be saved as addi-
tional columns in the measuring point list.

Command variables
The following command variables are generated by the MEAS Opt Conc
command in the method run and can be used in formulas under the des-
ignation 'Command name.Variable identification':