2 modifications - method – Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 301

4 Database
viva 1.1
Modifications - Method
Tab: Database
▶ Determination overview ▶ Determinations ▶ Repro-
▶ Reprocess ▶ Modifications ▶ Method
The method used in the determination is displayed with the two subwind-
ows Method run and Evaluation on the Method tab.
The Method tab is only active if the methods used for the selected
determinations are identical (method name, method version and
method status must match).
Method name:
Shows the method name.
Shows the method version. For original methods, the additional text
(original) is displayed after the version number. As soon as the method
has been modified, the additional text (modified) is displayed after the
version number. This information is saved in the determination data when
the recalculated determination is saved.
Shows the date and time when the method version was saved.
[Save as]
Save the modified method under the same name or under a new name. If
the modified method is saved under the name of an existing method,
then all earlier method versions will be deleted and a new version with the
number 1 will be generated.
[Modify method]
Opens the Method editor dialog window with the two subwindows
Method run and Evaluation. In the Method run subwindow, you can
change special parameters of existing commands but not insert or delete
commands and tracks. Special evaluation parameters can be changed in
the Evaluation subwindow.
If the Method editor dialog window is closed with [OK], the method is
checked (see Chapter 5.2.5, page 387). Afterwards, the modified method
is displayed on the Method tab with the addition (modified). This modi-
fied method is applied to the selected determinations with [Recalculate]
and can be saved at any time with [Save as].