Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 1077

viva 1.1
General ............................ 269
Navigation bar .................. 271
Print ............. 324, 1013, 1039
Table navigation ............... 272
Update ..................... 269, 274
Determination parameters
Determination series ......... 132
Display ............. 102, 126, 148
Single determination ........ 119
Determination run
Determination series ......... 136
Single determination ........ 123
Determination series
Comment ................. 110, 156
Controls ........................... 129
Data import .............. 108, 154
Determination parameters 132
Determination run ............ 136
Display ..................... 102, 148
Edit .......................... 105, 151
Overview .......................... 129
Process ..................... 106, 152
Properties ......................... 147
Run test ............................ 116
Sample data ............. 133, 140
Start ............................... 1003
Status display ................... 131
089 Photometer ............... 890
814 USB Sample Processor
......................................... 872
815 USB Sample Processor
......................................... 872
846 Dosing Interface ........ 846
858 Professional Sample Pro-
cessor ............................... 850
894 Professional CVS ........ 839
919 IC Autosampler plus . . 861
Add new device ................ 771
Avantes Spectrometer ...... 882
Column display ................. 771
Configuration ................... 768
Delete .............................. 771
Device assignment ............ 773
Device information ........... 362
Device name 769, 839, 846,
851, 861, 872, 883, 890, 896,
Device selection 486, 520,
Device serial number 839,
846, 851, 861, 872, 883, 890,
Device table ..................... 769
Device type 769, 839, 846,
851, 861, 872, 883, 890, 896,
Export .............................. 752
General ............................ 768
Import .............................. 755
Initialize ............................ 769
Integration ........................... 3
IO controller ..................... 906
Manual control ................. 955
Peripheral devices ............. 768
Print list of devices ............ 772
Program version 839, 846,
851, 861, 872, 883, 890, 896,
Properties ......................... 773
Rack ................. 854, 865, 875
Remarks 839, 846, 851, 861,
872, 883, 890, 896, 903
RS-232 device ................... 896
RS-232 devices ................. 768
Settings ............................ 904
Start-up 839, 846, 851, 861,
872, 883, 890, 896, 903
Status ............................... 769
Stepping Motor Controller 941
Subwindow ...................... 768
Tower .............. 852, 862, 873
USB devices ...................... 768
Dialog language ..................... 765
DIGITAL IN ............................. 557
Command variables .......... 557
General ............................ 558
Overview .......................... 557
Stop criteria ...................... 559
Digital input
Manual control ................. 975
DIGITAL OUT .......................... 552
Command variables . . 552, 554
Digital outputs .................. 554
General ............................ 553
Overview .......................... 552
Digital output ......................... 555
Manual control ................. 977
Dilution Titration
Term .............................. 1050
Dilution volume 96, 123, 142,
Term .............................. 1051
Direct controller
Properties ......................... 923
Division .................................... 47
Empty ............................... 961
Fill .................................... 961
Prepare ............................. 960
Dose fixed volume .................. 961
Dose manually .................. 963
Fixed volume .................... 961
General ............................ 960
Manual control ................. 959
Dosing command ................... 448
Dosing device ......... 463, 468, 474
Dosing parameters 449, 453, 456,
Dosing unit ............................. 781
Column display ................. 783
Configuration ................... 785
Delete .............................. 783
Edit properties .................. 784
Empty ............................... 961
Export .............................. 752
Fill .................................... 961
Import .............................. 755
Parameters ....................... 784
Parameters for preparation
......................................... 785
Prepare ............................. 960
Print list of dosing units .... 784
Subwindow ...................... 781
Table of dosing units ........ 782
Tubing parameters ........... 785
Valve disk ......................... 785
Dosino ................................... 463
Drift control ............................ 548
Term .............................. 1050
E-mail ..................................... 603
Edit template .................... 763
Export template ................ 752
Import template ............... 755
Login ................................ 745
Manage templates ............ 763
Send ................................... 79
Templates ......................... 763
Effective addition volume
Evaluation ratio ........ 717, 718
Sample ............. 718, 719, 720
Standard .......................... 717
Standard solution ............. 718
Term .............................. 1052
see Sensor ........................ 792
Electrode test ......................... 578