Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual

Page 693

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5 Method

viva 1.1



Input range

0 - 6

Default value


Start base point

Number of decimal places for the start base point at which the peak eval-
uation baseline begins (for CVS = potential (V), for CPVS = time (s)).

Input range

0 - 6

Default value


End base point

Number of decimal places for the end base point at which the peak evalu-
ation baseline ends (for CVS = potential (V), for CPVS = (s)).

Input range

0 - 6

Default value


Standardized area

Number of decimal places for the standardized peak area.

Only for the calibration methods DT and RC! This result is not calculated if
the measuring command is called by a CALL COND!

Input range

0 - 6

Default value


Standardized height

Number of decimal places for the standardized peak height.

Only for the calibration methods DT and RC! This result is not calculated if
the measuring command is called by a CALL COND!

Input range

0 - 6

Default value


Total volume

Number of decimal places and prefix selection for the current total volume
in the measuring vessel (L).

Input range

0 - 6

Default value



# | m | µ | n | p

Default value


Zero-order coefficient

Number of decimal places for the zero-order coefficient of the calibration
curve or standard addition curve.

Input range

0 - 6

Default value