Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual

Page 1041

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9 Support

viva 1.1



3 Activate the Automatic backup check box.

4 Enter an Interval for backup monitoring or a date for the Next


5 Select a directory for the backup in the Backup directory field.

6 Click on [OK].

The Backup configuration data automatically dialog window

The configuration database is automatically saved in the selected
directory at the desired moment.

Exporting methods

1 Select the Method program part.

2 Click on the symbol or the File Method manager... menu


The Method manager dialog window opens.

3 Select the desired method group in the Method group selection


4 Select the desired method.

5 Click on the Edit

Export... menu item.

The Select directory for export dialog window opens.

6 Select the desired directory for the export files and click on [OK].

The selected methods are each exported to a file named 'Method


The exported methods are stored uncoded but with a checksum. If
a file stored in this manner is tampered with, then it cannot be
imported again.