Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual

Page 1081

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viva 1.1



Overview ............................ 43
Potentiation ........................ 48
Subtraction ......................... 45


Configuration ................... 765
Dialog language ............... 765
Emergency stop ................ 765
Reprocess ......................... 765
Save ................................. 766

OR ........................................... 50
Output line

CTRL command ................ 492
Templates ......................... 761

Output signal ......................... 493


Change .............................. 20
Entry .................................. 19
General .............................. 18
Security settings ............... 741
Start password ........... 20, 739

Password protection ......... 18, 741
Pause key ............................... 131
PDF output ............................. 767

Area ................................. 701
Area Absolute standard devia-
tion .................................. 702
Area Delta of the mean values
......................................... 703
Area Mean value .............. 701
Area Relative standard devia-
tion .................................. 702
Area, standardized ............ 715
End base point of the baseline
......................................... 706
Height .............................. 703
Height Absolute standard devi-
ation ................................ 704
Height Delta of the mean val-
ues ................................... 705
Height Mean value ........... 704
Height Relative standard devia-
tion .................................. 705
Height, standardized ........ 716
Peak potential .................. 700
Start base point of the baseline
......................................... 706

Periodic table ........................... 76
PID controller

Properties ......................... 930

Port ........................................ 465

PORT ...................................... 574

Command variables .......... 574
Overview .......................... 574
Properties ......................... 575


Fixed point ....................... 707

Potential step ......................... 639
Potentiation ............................. 48
PREP ....................................... 467

Command variables .......... 467
Overview .......................... 467
Properties ......................... 468


Parameters of exchange unit
......................................... 785

Print ....................................... 324

Calibration data ................ 812
Common variables ............ 816
Determination overview 324,


Global variables ................ 825
List of colorimetric sensors 801
List of devices ................... 772
List of dosing units ........... 784
Rack list ............................ 833
Report .............................. 325
Sensor list ......................... 795
Solution list ...................... 777

Priority rules ............................. 43
Process analysis

Commands ....................... 552
IO CONTROLLER ............... 567

Process analysis functions

Manual control ................. 975

Program administration

Backup directories ............ 748
Clients .............................. 750
General ............................ 747
Licenses .................... 750, 752

Program part

Configuration ............. 17, 726
Database .................... 16, 195
Manual control ........... 18, 955
Method ...................... 17, 372
Overview ............................ 15
Workplace .................... 16, 80

Program versions ........................ 6
Pulse duration ........................ 761
Pump ..................................... 437
PUMP ..................................... 436

Command variables .......... 436
Overview .......................... 436
Properties ......................... 437

PWM controller

Properties ......................... 935

Quick access ................... 728, 729
Quick filter

Determination overview .... 278

RACK ..................................... 442

Command variables .......... 442
Overview .......................... 442
Properties ......................... 443

Rack code

New rack .......................... 833
Rack properties ................. 834
Rack table ........................ 831

Rack data

Add a new rack ................ 833
Attached rack ... 854, 865, 875
Configuration ................... 831
Delete rack ....................... 833
Edit properties .................. 834
Edit special beaker ............ 837
Export .............................. 752
General ............................ 831
Import .............................. 755
Lift positions ..................... 835
Print rack list ..................... 833
Rack parameters ............... 834
Rack table ........................ 831
Special beaker .................. 836
Standard racks .................. 831
Subwindow ...................... 831

Rack offset

Rack parameters ............... 834

Rack test ................................ 443

Term .............................. 1056

Recalculate ............................. 284
RECEIVE .................................. 501

Command variables .......... 501
Event/Status ..................... 503
Overview .......................... 501
Properties ......................... 502

Recognition .................. 655, 1057
Reference spectrum ................ 887
Regular expression .................. 507
Remark ................... 119, 123, 136
Remote Box ............................ 496
Remote functions

Manual control ................. 966

Repeat loop ............................ 597
Replication ..................... 24, 1057