Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 462

5.5 Method run subwindow
viva 1.1
or if the working life of the solution is to be checked at the start of the
1 - 25 characters
'Solution name' | 'empty'
Default value
'Solution name'
The auxiliary solutions defined in the solution table (Configuration)
appear first for selection, followed by the standard solutions defined in
the method, and then the standard solutions present in the solution
table (Configuration) (each time in alphabetical order).
Volume of the auxiliary solution that is to be dosed in.
Input range
0.010 - 1,000.000 mL (Increment: 0.001)
Default value
5.000 mL
Include volume in calculation
on | off (Default value: on)
If this check box is activated, then the volume added is allocated in the
volume bookkeeping.
Selection of the addition mode for dosing auxiliary solutions.
Add manually | Already added | Add with dos-
ing device
Default value
Add manually
Add manually
Manual addition of the solution, at which time the track is stopped. A
message appears and an acoustic signal is heard.
Already added
The solution is located already in the measuring vessel or was chan-
neled into the measuring vessel, e.g. with a peristaltic pump. The track
is not stopped. No message appears and no acoustic signal is heard.
Add with dosing device
Automatic addition of the solution with a dosing device (possible only
with solutions from the solution table). The solution is added through
the Dosing port 1 defined in the configuration for the dosing unit
(see Chapter, page 785).
With manual addition, the running of the track in which the command is
located is stopped and a message is displayed.