6 importing report templates, 2 creating new report templates, 3 opening report templates – Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 231

4 Database
viva 1.1
Importing report templates
Dialog window: Database
▶ Tools ▶ Report templates ▶ Manager... ▶ Report tem-
plate manager
▶ [Edit] ▶ Import... ▶ Select files to import
The [Edit]
▶ Import... menu item in the Report template manager
window opens the Select files to import dialog window, in which the
report templates to be imported must be selected. These report templates
are then imported.
Creating new report templates
Menu item: Database
▶ Tools ▶ Report templates ▶ New
New form report
The Report template - New form report program window is opened
with an empty report template (which can then be edited) with the
▶ Report templates ▶ New ▶ Form report... menu item.
In the form report, the report section always includes the whole area
between the header and the footer. This means that at least one page will
always be output for each determination.
New tabular report
The Report template - New tabular report program window is
opened with an empty report template (which can then be edited) with
the Tools
▶ Report templates ▶ New ▶ Tabular report... menu item.
In the tabular report, the report section can be set with the mouse. For
each data set, one such report section will be filled with data and placed
row by row on the page. Tabular reports from several determinations can
thus be created in this way.
Opening report templates
Dialog window: Database
▶ Tools ▶ Report templates ▶ Open... ▶ Open report
The icon or the Tools
▶ Report templates ▶ Open... menu item is
used to open the Open report template window, in which one of the
globally available report templates can be selected and opened.
List of report templates
The list of report templates contains information about all the saved
report templates. The table cannot be edited. The table can be sorted
according to the selected column (columns Name, Saved, Saved by,
Comment) in either ascending or descending order by clicking on the col-
umn title.
Name of the report template.