Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual

Page 1085

background image



viva 1.1



Track command ..................... 576

END ................................. 591
ERROR .............................. 590
EXIT ................................. 589
SERIES END ....................... 588
SERIES START .................... 587
START .............................. 576
TRACK .............................. 585
VA TRACK ........................ 586

Track display ........................... 578
TRANSFER .............................. 505

Command variables .......... 505
Overview .......................... 505
Properties ......................... 505
Regular expression ............ 507
Transfer command ........... 507

Transfer command ......... 505, 507
Transmission factor ................. 892
Trim ......................................... 73
Troubleshooting ................... 1040


Request ............................ 595
Sample data ..................... 140


Access permissions ........... 736
Add .................................. 740
Details .............................. 739
Full name ......................... 739
General ............................ 734
Options ............................ 737
Short name ................ 19, 739
Status ............................... 739

User administration

Access permissions ........... 736
Export .............................. 752
Functions ......................... 734
General ............................ 734
Import .............................. 755
Options ............................ 737
Print ................................. 747
User groups ...................... 735

User group

Access permissions ........... 736
Add .................................. 737
Copy ................................ 738
Delete .............................. 738
Details .............................. 735

General ............................ 734
Options ............................ 737
Rename ............................ 738

User-defined result variables ..... 40
UTC .................................... 63, 64

VA measuring commands ....... 606
VA track ......................... 401, 586
VA TRACK .............................. 586

Command variables .......... 586


Command variables ............ 30
Common variables .............. 42
Determination variables ...... 41
Enter .................................. 24
Evaluation parameter variables
........................................... 36
Global variables .................. 43
Overview ............................ 24
Result variables ................... 37
Sample data variables ... 27, 28
System variables ................. 41
User-defined result variables
........................................... 40

Variation ........................ 24, 1059
Various commands ................. 592
Versions ..................................... 6

Change layout .... 87, 203, 732
Default views .................... 737
Delete ................ 89, 205, 734
Export .............................. 752
General .............. 86, 202, 731
Import .............................. 755
Load ................... 88, 204, 733
Rename .............. 88, 205, 733
Save ................... 88, 205, 733
Save on closing ................ 766
Workplace view ................ 578


Term .............................. 1059


Term .............................. 1060

Wait ............................... 602, 603
WAIT ...................................... 602

Command variables .......... 602

Overview .......................... 602
Properties ......................... 603

While loop ............................. 597
Work position 852, 860, 862, 871,



Lift position ...................... 835
Special beaker .......... 836, 837

Working sample table

Column display ......... 102, 148
Comment ................. 110, 156
Create new ...................... 138
Data import .............. 108, 154
Edit ........................ 133, 1034
Edit (Properties) ........ 105, 151
Edit sample data ............... 140
Functions ......................... 133
Load ....................... 139, 1033
Lock editing .............. 105, 151
Process ..................... 106, 152
Properties ......................... 147

Workplace ................................ 80

Close .................................. 91
Create new ........................ 89
Curves .............................. 168
Definition ........................... 80
Display individually ............. 90
Display next to one another 90
Display one above the other
........................................... 91
Edit .................................... 89
Functions ........................... 84
General .............................. 80
Live display subwindow .... 159
Menu bar ........................... 80
Method subwindow ......... 156
Properties ........................... 89
Report subwindow ........... 193
Run subwindow ............... 116
Select ................................. 90
Subwindow ........................ 83
Toolbar .............................. 83
User interface ............... 16, 80
View .................. 86, 202, 731

XML export

Overview .......................... 267
Selection .......................... 262