3 calibration - calibration curves – Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 679
5 Method
viva 1.1
MLAT (Modified Linear Approximation Technique) is the default calibra-
tion method for the determination of brightener in electroplating
baths. Only the Linear regression curve type is permitted for this cali-
bration method (see Glossary, page 1054).
DT (Dilution Titration) is a calibration method for the determination of
suppressor in electroplating baths. The analysis is based on the fact
that galvanic metal plating is reduced by the addition of suppressor to
a VMS (Virgin Makeup Solution) (see Glossary, page 1050).
The response curve is a standardized calibration curve for electroplating
bath additives with a suppressing effect. It involves a two-stage pro-
cess, in which a calibration curve is first recorded with a standard solu-
tion before the sample solution is measured (see Glossary, page
LAT (Linear Approximation Technique) is a calibration method for the
determination of brightener in electroplating baths. This calibration
technique can be used to determine brightener-type additives, which
increase the plating rate of metals only slightly. Only the Linear
regression curve type is permitted for this calibration method (see
Glossary, page 1053).
Calibration - Calibration curves
Tab: Method
▶ Evaluation - Calibration ▶ Calibration curves
The Calibration curves tab is disabled in the CP command, because
there is no substance evaluation for the CP command.
Selection of the measuring command
Measuring command
Selection list with all of the VA measuring commands with data acquisi-
tion defined in the method.
'VA measuring command'
The type of calibration curve is defined in the table of calibration curves
for each substance. The table cannot be edited directly and contains the
following columns:
Calibration method MLAT