Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual

Page 854

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7.1 894 Professional CVS




viva 1.1

Set to work

Shows the date on which the calibrator was activated.


Remarks about the calibrator.


max. 1,000 characters

Default value


Monitor calibrator

on | off (Default value: on)

If this check box is activated, then the Replacement interval for the cali-
brator is monitored. Editable only if Monitor calibrator has been

Replacement interval

Time interval to the next calibrator check.

Because the values of electronic components tend to deviate from the set-
point value as a result of aging, the strict technical specifications of the
components can only be guaranteed for two years. Afterwards, the cali-
brator should be replaced by MetroService, which allows the Potentiostat
to offer the guaranteed measuring accuracy for another two years.

Editable only if Monitor calibrator has been enabled.

Input range

1 - 730 days

Default value

700 days

Next check

Date on which the calibrator is to be replaced the next time. Clicking on

opens the Select date dialog window, in which you can select the

date (see Chapter 2.4.1, page 77). After the date has been entered, the
Replacement interval field will be adjusted automatically.

The message options can only be edited if Monitor calibrator is

Message by e-mail

on | off (Default value: off)

The message is sent to the address defined under [E-mail...] if this check
box is activated. The message is sent in text format.


[E-mail...] opens the Send e-mail window (see Chapter 2.5.1, page 79).