Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 1083

viva 1.1
Sample table ...................... 92
Single determination ........ 120
Variables ...................... 27, 28
Working sample table ....... 140
Sample data variable ................ 28
Assignment ...................... 581
Fixed value ....................... 581
Monitoring ....................... 581
Specification ............. 580, 581
Type ................................. 581
Sample data variables ............... 27
Sample data variables of the next
sample data line ....................... 28
Sample identification
Arrangement .................... 126
Information ...................... 361
Request .................... 593, 595
Sample data 95, 120, 140,
Text templates .................. 115
Sample number .............. 119, 132
Sample position 95, 122, 141, 593
Request ............................ 595
Sample data ............. 120, 140
Sample table ............................ 91
Column display ......... 102, 148
Comment ................. 110, 156
Copy ................................ 111
Create ............................ 1031
Create new ........................ 91
Data import .............. 108, 154
Delete .............................. 112
Edit .......... 92, 105, 151, 1032
Export .............................. 112
Import .............................. 112
Lock editing .............. 105, 151
Manage ........................... 110
Open .................................. 91
Print ......................... 101, 147
Process ..................... 106, 152
Properties ......................... 101
Rename .................... 111, 112
Save ......................... 100, 146
Test ............................ 99, 145
Sample type ..... 95, 122, 141, 593
Sampler changer functions
Assign position ................. 971
Manual control ................. 967
Method .......................... 1024
SCAN ..................................... 495
Command variables .......... 495
Overview .......................... 495
Properties ......................... 496
Determinations ................. 275
Security settings
Export .............................. 752
Import .............................. 755
Login ................................ 741
Password protection ......... 741
Print ................................. 747
Test login ......................... 745
Select date ............................... 77
SEND ...................................... 498
Command variables .......... 498
Event message .................. 500
Overview .......................... 498
Properties ......................... 499
Sensor .................................... 792
Add new sensor ............... 794
Calibration ........................ 476
Column display ................. 794
Delete .............................. 794
Edit properties .................. 795
Export .............................. 752
General ............................ 792
Import .............................. 755
Monitoring ....................... 795
Parameters ....................... 795
Print sensor list ................. 795
Sensor information ........... 362
Sensor selection ................ 546
Sensor table ..................... 792
Standard sensors .............. 792
Subwindow ...................... 792
SEQUENCE ............................. 604
Command variables .......... 604
Overview .......................... 604
Properties ......................... 605
Continue .......................... 129
Interrupt ........................... 129
SERIES END ............................. 588
Command variables .......... 588
Series end track .............. 402, 588
SERIES START .......................... 587
Command variables .......... 587
Series start track ............. 402, 587
SET TOTAL VOLUME ............... 475
Command variables .......... 475
Overview .......................... 475
Properties ......................... 476
Shift direction ......................... 427
Shift position .......................... 971
Lift position ...................... 835
Shift rate ................................ 427
Sign .......................................... 61
Signal drift .............................. 548
Single determination
Controls ........................... 118
Data import ...................... 128
Determination run ............ 123
Display ............................. 126
Overview .......................... 118
Process ............................. 128
Properties ......................... 125
Repeat determination automat-
ically ................................. 128
Run test ............................ 116
Sample data ..................... 120
Start ............................... 1002
Status display ................... 119
SLK export .............................. 262
Smoothing ............................. 651
Solution .................................. 774
Add a new solution .......... 776
Column display ................. 776
Delete .............................. 776
Edit properties .................. 777
Export .............................. 752
General ............................ 774
Import .............................. 755
Monitoring ....................... 777
Parameters ....................... 777
Print solution list ............... 777
Solution selection ............. 463
Solution table ................... 774
Subwindow ...................... 774
Special beaker ................ 836, 971
Parameters ....................... 837
Special filter
Determination overview .... 279
Special position ...................... 971
Lift position ...................... 835
Dark spectrum .................. 886
Reference spectrum .......... 887
Square root .............................. 59
Edit .................................. 665
General ............................ 663
START .................................... 576
Application note ............... 580
General ............................ 578
Overview .......................... 576
Sample data variable detail
window ............................ 581
Sample data variables table
......................................... 580
Start key ......................... 118, 130