Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 418

5.5 Method run subwindow
viva 1.1
Command type
The command type defines the function of the command. The designa-
tion of the command type (short description in capital letters) cannot
be changed.
Command name
Each command has a freely selectable command name which must be
unique within the method.
In the event that a command has been renamed afterwards, the cross-
references to this command (e.g. command variables) are adjusted
automatically within the method.
Command parameters
The number and type of command parameters depend on the com-
mand type and can be edited in the command properties.
Commands in the run
Commands within the same track are carried out in sequence, one
after the other, in the method run.
Commands are displayed on two lines. The first line contains the name of
the command type (e.g. CVS) and the second line the command name,
which can be freely defined and which is unique within the method. The
default command name is composed of the command type and a consec-
utive number.
The field for the command type is color-coded for the various types of
Track commands
Commands for voltammetry and measuring
Sample changer and dosing commands
All other commands