Metrohm viva 1.1 User Manual
Page 1082

viva 1.1
Define .............................. 691
Method ............................ 389
Print ............. 325, 1012, 1038
Report table ..................... 690
Report (subwindow on workplace)
General ............................ 193
Latest report ..................... 193
Properties report overview 194
Report overview ............... 193
Selected report ................. 193
Report template
Calibration curve field ....... 255
Comment ......................... 232
Copy ................................ 218
Create ............................ 1035
Create new ...................... 219
Curve field ........................ 253
Data field ......................... 236
Date field ......................... 238
Default font ...................... 233
Define sections ................. 228
Delete .............................. 218
Edit ........................ 220, 1036
Edit modules .................... 230
Export .............................. 218
Fixed report ...................... 245
Form report ...................... 228
Functions ......................... 225
General ............................ 220
Grid .................................. 233
Group field ....................... 246
Image ............................... 249
Import .............................. 219
Insert modules .................. 229
Insert pages ...................... 229
Line .................................. 250
Manage ........................... 217
Menu bar ......................... 221
Module bar ...................... 224
Navigate ........................... 229
New form report .............. 219
Number of pages ............. 243
Open ................................ 219
Options ............................ 233
Overview .......................... 220
Page margins .................... 226
Page number .................... 241
Page preview .................... 231
Page setup ....................... 226
Paper size ......................... 226
Rectangle ......................... 252
Rename ............................ 218
Result table ...................... 247
Save ................................. 234
Tabular report .......... 219, 228
Text field .......................... 235
Time field ......................... 240
Toolbar .................... 223, 224
Unit .................................. 233
User interface Editor ......... 221
Zoom ............................... 231
Reprocess ............................... 283
Curves .............................. 292
Evaluation ........................ 289
Functions ......................... 284
General ............................ 283
Measuring point list .......... 298
Method ............................ 289
Modifications ................... 288
Procedure ....................... 1009
Recalculate ....................... 284
Reprocessing window ....... 284
Reset ................................ 284
Result view ....................... 291
Results .............................. 320
Results overview ............... 318
Rules ................................ 285
Subwindow ...................... 284
User-defined results .......... 321
Variables .......................... 290
With history ...................... 765
REQUEST ................................ 592
Command variables .......... 592
Overview .......................... 592
Properties ......................... 593
Sample data request ......... 595
Respond immediately ..... 585, 586
Configuration data ........... 759
Database .......................... 216
Result ..................................... 677
Calculation ....................... 695
Common Variable ............. 688
Database .................. 366, 692
Display ............................. 366
Export .............................. 694
General ............................ 677
Global Variable ................. 688
Multiple result .................. 686
Properties ......................... 370
Report table ..................... 690
Result overview ................ 366
Select ............................... 690
Single result ...................... 686
User-defined result variables
........................................... 40
User-defined results .. 368, 684
Variables ............................ 37
Result assignment
Define .............................. 678
Result variable .......................... 37
Rinse position . 852, 862, 873, 971
Lift position ...................... 835
RLS DEV ................................. 446
Command variables .......... 446
Overview .......................... 446
Properties ......................... 447
RLS DOS ................................. 473
Command variables .......... 473
Overview .......................... 473
Properties ......................... 474
Robotic arm ........................... 431
Configuration ... 859, 870, 880
Robotic arm position ........ 971
Rotate .................................... 427
Rotation angle ........................ 427
Rounding integer ...................... 61
RS-232 device
Connect ........................... 901
Overview .......................... 896
Properties ......................... 896
Continue .................. 119, 130
Determination series ......... 129
Interrupt ................... 118, 130
Single determination ........ 118
Start ......................... 118, 129
Stop ......................... 118, 129
Run test .................................. 116
Sample amount 95, 122, 141, 593
Request ............................ 595
Term .............................. 1057
Sample amount unit 95, 122, 141,
Sample assignment ......... 113, 114
Sample assignment table
General ............................ 113
Sample changer functions
General ............................ 968
Move ............................... 969
Pump ............................... 973
Sample data
Determination series ......... 133
Display ..................... 102, 148
Duplicate .................... 98, 144
Edit ............................ 94, 140
Import ........................ 98, 144
Information ...................... 361
Request .................... 593, 595