Rockwell Automation 1771-QC , D17716.5.25 SER/B SERVO POS User Manual
Page 227

Appendix A
Gain: The ratio of the magnitude of the output of a system with respect
to that of the input.
Gate: A device that blocks or passes a signal, depending on the presence
or absence of specified input signals.
Incremental Dimension: A dimension expressed with respect to the
previous position of the coordinate axis.
Initialize: To cause a program or hardware circuit to return to an original
Instability: The state or property of a system where there is an output for
which there is no input.
Instruction: A statement that specifies an operation and the values or
locations of its operands.
Integrator: A device that integrates an input signal, usually with respect
to time.
Jog: A control function that provides for the momentary operation of a
servo drive for manual control of axis motion.
Manual Feedrate Override: The ability of the operator to manually
change the feedrate.
Millisecond (ms): One thousandth of a second.
Noise: An extraneous signal in an electrical circuit capable of interfering
with the desired signal.
Open Loop: A signal path with feedback.
Overshoot: The amount that a controlled variable exceeds the desired
value after a change of input.
Point-to-Point Control System: A system that controls motion only to
reach a given end point, but exercises no path control during the transition
from one end point to the next.