Rockwell Automation 1771-QC , D17716.5.25 SER/B SERVO POS User Manual

Page 145

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Formatting and Interpreting Data Blocks

Chapter 7


Bit 0 Jog +

In the manual mode, turn on bit 0 to generate a jog plus (+) command.
The axis jogs in the positive direction as long as this bit is on, unless the
axis reaches the software travel limit. Jog speed is either high or low, as
determined by bit 14 of the second control word for the axis. You specify
high and low jog speed values in the parameter block. The axis
accelerates to jog speed and decelerates from it at the rate you specified in
the parameter block. If you use the decel step velocity (parameter block)
it applies to deceleration from jog rates.

Bit 1 Start

In the auto mode, turn on bit 1 to generate a start command. When you
turn on this bit, the servo positioning assembly continues moveset
execution starting at the point it was last stopped (by completion of a halt
move, EOM stop, or slide stop). The start command can also be used to
start moveset execution after an escape move is executed. This command
can start moveset execution at the beginning of the cycle or after the
interruption of the moveset. The 1771-M3 controller only recognizes a
start command when the axis is in position. (Also refer to the begin
command, bit 2.)

Bit 1 JogĆ

In the manual mode, turn on bit 1 to generate a jog minus (-) command.
The axis jogs in the negative direction as long as this bit is on unless the
axis reaches the software travel limit. Jog speed is either high or low, as
determined by bit 14 of the second control word for this axis. You specify
high and low jog speed values in the parameter block. The axis
accelerates to jog speed and decelerates from it at the global rate value
you specified in the parameter block. If you use the decel step velocity
(parameter block) it applies to deceleration from jog rates.

Bit 2 Begin

In the auto mode, turn on bit 2 to generate a begin command. This
command causes the servo positioning assembly to discontinue executing
the current move and start executing the active moveset at its first move
block, regardless of what move block is executing.

If the axis is moving, and the endpoint of the first move of the moveset is
in the same direction as the axis motion, then the axis will smoothly