Rockwell Automation 1771-QC , D17716.5.25 SER/B SERVO POS User Manual
Page 147
Formatting and Interpreting Data Blocks
Chapter 7
Bit 3 EOM Stop
In the auto mode, turn on bit 3 to generate an end-of-move (EOM) stop
command. When this bit is on, the servo positioning assembly completes
the current move by decelerating to zero velocity and stopping at the
programmed endpoint for the move. If the EOM stop command is
received when the axis is beyond the point where it can stop at the
programmed endpoint after decelerating, the servo positioning assembly
decelerates axis motion to zero velocity, then moves the axis in the
opposite direction to the programmed endpoint. When axis motion has
stopped, the in-position, done, and ready bits in the status block are on.
You can continue moveset execution after an EOM stop with a start
command. When you issue the start command, the axis attempts to move
to the endpoint of the move following the EOM stop move. However, a
begin command causes the axis to execute the first move block in the
current moveset block.
In a typical use of EOM stop, an operator commands an EOM stop,
switches to manual mode, then jogs the axis to a convenient location for
an operation such as a tool change. Before restarting moveset execution,
the operator typically issues a return-to-position command, which causes
the axis to move to the endpoint of the last executed move at the selected
jog rate. If you issue no return-to-position command before the start
command, the axis attempts to accelerate to the final feedrate of the next
move in the moveset and continues moveset execution. Figure 7.43
shows three examples of what can happen in this situation.
In Figure 7.43a, the axis is able to accelerate to the final rate for the next
move and continue moveset execution.
In Figure 7.43b, the axis cannot accelerate to the final rate for the next
move, but does continue moveset execution.
In Figure 7.43c, the servo positioning assembly moves the axis to the
endpoint of the next move, using the accel, final and decel values for that
move, then continues moveset execution.
Note that in all cases, the axis attempts to move to the endpoint of the
move that follows the EOM stop move.