Apple Keynote 1 User Manual

Page 55

background image


Chapter 4

To return an image or movie to its original size:

m Select the image or movie and click Original Size in the Metrics Inspector.

To set the precise position of an object:


Select the object you want to position.


Enter X and Y values in the Position fields in the Metrics Inspector.

The object is positioned with its upper-left corner at the specified coordinates.

m The X value is measured from the left edge of the slide canvas.

m The Y value is measured from the top edge of the slide canvas.

If the object is not rectangular, then the object is positioned with the upper-left corner of its
container box at the specified coordinates. If an object has been rotated, it is positioned with
the upper-left corner of its “rotated” container box at the X and Y coordinates. That is, the
rotated shape is considered to have a new container box around it that encompasses it as
though it were a new shape (for example, a square rotated 25º appears as a diamond),
though you cannot see or manipulate selection handles for this rotated container box.