Adding text, Adding text 22 – Apple Keynote 1 User Manual
Page 23

Chapter 2
Adding Text
Depending on which master slide you use, you may see text boxes for title text or body text.
Title text is generally large. Body text is generally bulleted text, although some master slides
offer non-bulleted body text. Choose a master slide with the combination of title text and
body text that best suits the slide’s content.
To add title text to a slide:
m Double-click in a title text box in the slide canvas and type your text.
To add bulleted text:
m Click in a bulleted body text box in the slide canvas and begin typing. Bullets automatically
appear, styled to match the theme you’re working in. Press Return to move to the next
bulleted line. Press Tab to indent a bulleted line. Press Shift-Tab to move the bulleted line
to a higher indent level.
You can change the look of the text and bullets in any of your slides using the Text Inspector
and the Graphic Inspector. For more details about how to use inspectors to change text,
including how to change the style of text bullets or add text without bullets, see Chapter 3,
“Working With Text, Graphics, and Other Media.”
Double-click in a title
text box and type a title.
The font and text size
are already set for you.
Double-click in a body
text box and type to
create bulleted text. The
bullet style, font, and
text size are already set.
Drag a graphic file from
the Finder and place it
on your slide.