Resources for learning about soundtrack pro – Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual
Page 9

An Introduction to Soundtrack Pro
 Synchronized video display: You can add a video to a project and view it in the Video
tab, or display the video on an external video monitor. Audio/video synchronization is
accurate both onscreen and on the external monitor, up to HD resolutions. You can
accurately place audio clips to sync with specific frames or points in time in the video.
 Audio recording capability: You can record audio directly in tracks in the
Soundtrack Pro Timeline, including recording multiple takes.
 Integrated workflow with Final Cut Pro: You can send a clip from the Final Cut Pro
Timeline to Soundtrack Pro and edit the clip in the Waveform Editor. When you save
the clip, it is automatically updated in your Final Cut Pro project. You can also send
clips or sequences to a Soundtrack Pro multitrack project.
Resources for Learning About Soundtrack Pro
This manual describes the Soundtrack Pro interface, commands, and menus, and gives
step-by-step instructions for creating Soundtrack Pro projects and for accomplishing
specific tasks. It also includes information on setting up your system and on audio
basics. It is designed to provide the information you need to get up to speed quickly so
you can take full advantage of the intuitive interface and powerful features of
Soundtrack Pro.
If you want to start by learning how to set up audio hardware to use with
Soundtrack Pro, read Chapter 1, “
,” on page 13. If you want to
learn about the features and controls in the Soundtrack Pro interface, read Chapter 2,
,” on page 23. If you want to jump right in and start using
the application, skip ahead to Chapter 3, “
Getting Started With Soundtrack Pro
page 45. If you want to read about editing audio files in the Waveform Editor, turn to
Chapter 7, “
Working in the Waveform Editor
In addition to this manual, Soundtrack Pro provides other sources of support.