Using the peak indicators – Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual

Page 139

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Chapter 6

Working in the Mixer


The Meters tab also includes peak indicators, Value and Location displays and Go to
Peak buttons for each stereo channel, and a Reset button. You can use these controls to
locate and remove clipping from your project.

Using the Peak Indicators

At the top of the level meters is a rectangular peak indicator, which lights red when
that channel clips (exceeds 0 dB). The peak indicators are “sticky,” meaning that if
clipping occurs in either channel, the peak indicator lights red and stays red until you
reset it, or reset all peak indicators.

To reset a peak indicator:


Click the peak indicator.

To reset all peak indicators, do one of the following:


Option-click any peak indicator in any of the level meters.


Click the Reset button in the Meters tab of the Viewer.

Peak Value and Peak Location Display

To the right of the level meters in the Meters tab, the levels of each stereo channel are
displayed in decibels (dB). As the project plays back, the Peak Value display shows the
highest level reached by each channel since the start of playback. The Peak Location
display shows the location in the Timeline where the peak occurs.

Go to Peak Buttons

The Go to Peak buttons move the playhead to the point in the Timeline where the
highest level for each channel is reached. This makes it easy to find the point in the
project where clipping occurs and should be removed.

Reset Button

The Reset button located in the upper-right corner of the Meters tab display resets the
Peak Value to a minimum value (–96 dB) and resets the Peak Location to the beginning
of the project.

To reset the Peak Value and Peak Location displays:


Click the Reset button.

The steps you take to remove clipping depend on the cause of the clipping. You can
lower the master volume of a project by the amount the highest point in the project
(as shown in the Value display) exceeds 0 dB. You can also use the Go buttons to locate
where clipping occurs, and use a different audio clip or lower the volume of individual
tracks until clipping no longer occurs. Sometimes removing or adjusting effects can
remove occurrences of clipping as well.