Adjusting realtime effect parameters – Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual

Page 209

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Chapter 9

Working With Audio Effects


To add a realtime effect to an audio file project in the Waveform Editor:


In the Waveform Editor, click the Effects button, located next to the Actions and
Analysis buttons.


In the Effects tab, select a category in the Category list to display the effects for that
category in the Effect list.


In the Effect list, do one of the following:

 Double-click the effect you want to add to the track.
 Select the effect name, then click the Add Effect button.
 Drag the effect to the Effect Parameters area.

Some effects, including reverb and delay, add audio that extends past the end of the
file. This is called an effect “tail.” When you export a project mix, or export a track, bus,
or output with an effect that produces a tail, the exported file is lengthened to include
the effect tail until the point at which the tail falls below –96 dB. Also, when you
choose Process > Bounce Realtime to Action for an audio file project with a realtime
effect that produces a tail, the rendered project is lengthened to include the effect tail
until the point at which the tail falls below –96 dB.

Adjusting Realtime Effect Parameters

Once you’ve added a realtime effect, you can adjust the effect parameters to change
the way the effect alters the sound of the track, bus, output, or audio file project. Each
type of effect has its own parameters, as discussed earlier. Effect parameters are
displayed in the Effect Parameters area of the Effects tab as a set of sliders, checkboxes,
and pop-up menus.

To adjust realtime effect parameters:


Click the disclosure triangle next to the effect in the Effect Parameters area to display
its parameters.


Adjust the effect parameter by dragging the slider, selecting the checkbox, or choosing
an item from the pop-up menu. You can also adjust the parameter by entering a valid
value in the field to the right of the parameter’s control.

Adjust a parameter by
dragging its slider.

You can also adjust the
parameter by entering a
value in the field.

Click the disclosure

triangle to display the

effect’s parameters.