Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual

Page 306

background image



phase shifters 202, 289
phone plug connectors 17
physical output channels 28, 30, 91, 92, 129, 251
pink noise 164
pitch 288
Play/Pause button 25
playback 50–56

audio files in Wave Editor 152
changing mode 117
controlling 25, 50–54, 98–99
cycling 98–99
keyboard shortcuts 56, 186, 280
looping 87, 98–99, 117
MPEG-2 183
non-looping 87, 117
starting 50
video 185–188

Playback buttons 43
playback mode 117
playback position 55, 280
playback region 98–99
Play button 50, 55, 69, 161, 237, 238
Play From Beginning button 25, 55

changing position 54
described 32
keyboard shortcuts 280
positioning with Time ruler 98
scoring marker to 192–193
setting 51–54
splitting audio clips with 113, 114

Playhead Position value slider 24, 53–54, 84
playing projects 50–56

Audio Units 14, 195
effects 13, 14
included with Soundtrack Pro 14
Stereo Spread 207
unsupported 14

pops 178
Position value slider 43, 44
postproduction 7, 198
power line hum 178

Apple Loops Utility 274
Recording 235
Soundtrack Pro 75–80

Preferences window 75
presets, effect 217–218
Presets drawer 162, 217, 218
preview controls 34, 35, 37, 38, 69
previewing items

audio files 68–69
in Media and Effects Manager 68–69
preview file information 70–71
video files 68, 189

Previous Selection button 31
processing effects

See also effects
advanced settings 216
applying 216
automation 216
overview 196
presets 217–218
working with 216

processor speed 13
project controls 26
project key 85
project length, setting 86
Project pop-up menu 29
Project preferences 76–77
project properties 82–85

key 85
overlap mode 85
sample rate 83
tempo 84
time format 82–83
time signature 84


audio file. See audio file projects
collecting original source media in 147
controlling playback of 98–99
distributing 252
exporting mixes 248
exporting to audio files 248
importing QuickTime movies into 183
importing video into 183, 184
miniature view of 97
multitrack. See multitrack projects
overall volume of 138–139
playing 50–56
preferences 76–77
removing video clips from 193
saving as audio file projects 146–147
saving with media files 252
scrolling through 94
scrubbing 54
types of 45–46
undo/redo changes to 71

Project window 23, 24–33, 145

audio clips 89–90
multitrack projects 82–85

property tags 265


quarter-size frames 80, 187
QuickTime 11
QuickTime audio files 56
QuickTime movie files 144
QuickTime movies 183, 260