Apple Soundtrack Pro User Manual
Page 30

Chapter 2
The Soundtrack Pro Interface
Each channel strip includes the following controls:
 Drag handle: Click to select the channel strip and drag to reorder it in the Mixer.
 Icon: Icons let you visually distinguish channel strips in the Mixer. Click an icon to
change it.
 Effects slots: Show the effects and sends for the channel strip, and let you add effects
and sends.
 Output pop-up menu: Choose an output for the track or bus channel strip or choose
the physical output channels for the output channel strip from the menu.
 Pan slider and value slider: Set the channel strip’s pan position by dragging the slider
or changing the value in the value slider. You can automate pan changes by dragging
the slider with the project set to the appropriate automation mode. Appear in track
and bus channel strips only, not in output channel strips.
 Volume fader and value slider: Set the channel strip’s volume level by dragging the
fader or changing the value in the value slider. You can automate volume changes by
dragging the slider with the project set to the appropriate automation mode.
 Level meters with peak indicator: Show the volume level of the channel strip in real
time as the project plays. The peak indicator shows the highest level played, and
changes color to indicate that clipping has occurred.
Output pop-up menu
Level meters and
peak indicator
Effects slots
Mute and Solo buttons
Pan slider and
value slider
Volume fader and
value slider
Drag handle
Record Enable button